Day in my life as a NYC mom & influencer *grwmroutine *momsoftiktok *nycmoms ▶0:45・
*CapCut Week in the Life of a NYC Mom: Summertime Edition *ditlofamom *ditlnyc *nycmoms *momsoftiktok *hamptons *hamptonssummer *momsover40 *tribecamom ▶2:41・
ditl nyc: 📚🥯☔️🇺🇸 *nycmom *nycmoms *ditlnyc *ditl *nycfamily *familyof6 *livinginnyc *nycvlog *kristiipartyof6 *nyc *911memorial *september11 ▶2:27・
daily spend: i was a guest on my fav podcast 🤭🫣😅 @Josie Van Dyke all my normal mom things *ditlofamom *nycmom *nycdiml *nycmomlife *nycmoms *livinginnyc *nyclife *nycvlog *momvlog *kristiipartyof6 ▶2:22・
inexpensive but fun monday living in nyc 💰☀️🎠⛲️ *nycvlog *nycmom *nycmoms *momof4 *citymom *cityfamily *kristiipartyof6 *livinginnyc *nycvlog *centralpark *centralparkmall *bethesdafountain ▶1:54・
*shortnaps *babynaps *newmom *napschedule *sleepschedule *sleepconsultant *babysleephelp *crapnap *njmoms *nycmoms *bergencountymoms *tiredmom *crib ▶0:07・
daily spend 💰🛒🎁📚🍜 *livinginnyc *nycmom *nycmoms *citymom *ditlofamom *ditl *cityfamily *nyc *momoffour *dayinmylife *nycvlog *kristiipartyof6 ▶1:41・
Happy mothers day to all the mommys out there 🥹💕💕 *CapCut *nycmoms *mothersday *firsttimemom ▶0:05・
*sleeptraining *newmom *sleepschedule *babysleephelp *babysleepexpert *sleepconsultant *njmoms *nycmoms *sleeplearning *tiredmama *newmama *babysleep ▶0:59・
I did try to wake her up though ☝🏼 but she’s a sleepy girl 💤 *toddlermomsbelike *toddlermomlife *relatablemoms *momcontent *nycmoms *nycinfluencer *relatablesahm *sahmlifestyle ▶0:06・
Recently have a baby? Tune in here with Dr. David Mattos to learn when its safe to have cosmetic surgery following pregnancy. *mommymakeover *breastfeeding *afterpregnancy *newmom *momlife *boardcertified *boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon *jackyoh *safesurgery *newyorkcosmeticsurgeon *nycmoms *nymoms *longislandmoms *operatingroom *doctorsoftiktok ▶0:34・
*babysleeptips *sleepconsultant *newmom *sleepschedule *toddlersleeptips *njmoms *nycmoms *bergencountymoms *austinmoms *momlife *sleepexpert *sleep ▶0:18・
Mothers in custody at Rikers get time with kids at Children's Museum of Manhattan ▶2:21・
Deena Lang on Instagram: "SERENITY NOW 🥵 Don’t forget to give em a feel while you’re at it. Self checks save lives every day 🫶🏻 *summerweather *nycmoms *floridamom *girlproblems *savethetatas" ▶0:07・
Exploring NYC with Heartfelt Moments ▶0:08・
*sleepconsultant *timedchecks *ferber *chairmethod *sleeptraining *newmom *sleepschedules *njmoms *nycmoms *babysleep *toddlersleep *newbornsleep ▶0:11・
Liz Teich on Instagram: "It’s not that I need more shoes, but they keep making cute ones in my size. 😏 Don’t get me wrong, I love a good bootie (the one in this video also doubles as a rain boot!), but I was quite surprised that the majority of my clients this season don’t really have tall boots in their rotation. Here why you may want a pair of 👢(or 3 😜) in your closet: 👢often create an elongated silhouette 👢they give you more options with dresses/skirts 👢they keep you warm and you don’t ▶0:16・
THE WIPE! ICK! *elysedelucci *coffeeandcake *diners *restaurant *newyorkers *comedian *nycmom *nycmoms *comediansoftiktok ▶0:19・
New mums in New York are now receiving $1,000 a month ▶1:55・
“Mom’s Kitchen & Bar” Has Nostalgia On The Menu | New York Live TV ▶2:58・
*sleepconsultant *babysleep *newbornsleep *newmom *babysleepschedule *bergencountymom *essexcountymoms *njmoms *nycmoms *uaemoms *lamoms *atlmoms *nashvillemoms *houstonmoma *sleeptips *sleephelp *toddlersleep *napschedule *waketimes ▶0:08・
Babysitting Adventures with a Brooklyn Family | Nanny POV ▶1:14・
People in New York send their moms a special message ▶21:54・
NYC! Fall Family Events! 🍁🍂🎃 *nycmoms *brooklynmom *familyevent | Fyütch ▶0:51・
Exploring Brooklyn Heights in NYC ▶0:07・
I had the BEST time meeting other new/expecting *nycmoms today 🫶🏻 thank you @LIVELY for the amazing gift bags! *momsofnyc *bringingupbebe *uesmom *nycbooktok ▶0:38・
daily spend: ✈️🛒💰🎹🤸🏼♀️🐀🃏 *livinginnyc *howmuchispendinaday *nycmom *nycvlog *nycfamily *nyccontentcreator *sahm *workingmom *nycmoms *ditlofamom *ditlnycmom ▶2:06・
I can help!! 🤍 *sleepexpert *newmom *newbornsleep *sleepschedules *babysleephacks *toddlersleep *sleeptraining *njmoms *nycmoms *sleepconsultant ▶0:10・
@brett.sewell *napschedule *babysleephelp *newmom *firsttimemom *sleepconsultant *shortnaps *babynaps *sleepschedule *sleeptraining *njmoms *nycmoms ▶0:15・
A basic day in the life of a NYC mom *ditl *dayinthelife *dayinthelifevlog *ditlvlog *dayinmylife *nycmom *thehamptons *formulaxmeredith *roundswampfarm *roundswamp *nycmoms ▶1:28・
NYC Newyork day in the life spend 💰 *ditl *dayinmylife *livinginnyc *nycmom *nycmoms *momof4 *citymom*nyc *lifestyle | Kristiipartyof6 ▶1:30・
I love a good adventure ☺️ *brooklynchildrensmuseum *sahmlife *blacksahm *nycmom *queensmomsnyc *firsttimemom *nycmoms *dayinthelife *blackgirlvlogs *brooklynyc *nycsahm *8monthold *sensoryactivities ▶0:22・
NYC mom talks about Breastfeeding World's 3rd Annual NYC Big Latch On ▶1:09・
The NYC Mom Tea Culture: Exploring Its Uniqueness ▶0:55・
NYC mom stands up to government overreach post-COVID: ‘Mom Army is stepping into the breach’ ▶1:25・
botox in nyc i begged and got a discount for the besties!! 💉👏🏼💰 *nyc *nycmom *nycmoms *nycbotox *nycspa *nycplasticsurgeon *livinginnyc *nycbeauty *nyccontentcreator ▶0:11・
Reply to @diese.genta *catnap *sleepschedule *babynaps *newmom *sleepconsultant *babysleephelp *sleeptraining *njmoms *nycmoms *bergencountymoms ▶1:55・
a life lesson while dinner party prepping 🥺🫶🏼 *bekind *dinnerparty *nycmom *nycmoms *nycdinnerparty * ▶1:37・
Weekend in the Life or a NYC Mom: Rosh Hashanah Edition *ditlnycmom *ditlnyc *nyclife *momsover40 *nycmoms *momsoftiktok *jewishmom ▶0:12・
Estella - Do you remember the moment your baby took its... ▶0:46・
Looking for a fun rainy day activity for your kids in new york city? I've got you! - asmr lovers delight at the sloomoo institute! Make your own slime, run around, smells, textures- your toddler will wear themself out and have the best time! / slime, diy slime, nyc activities for toddler, nyc toddler, new york kid things to do, rainy activity nyc, moms of tiktok mom tok *nyc *momtok *momsoftiktok *citymouse *minidiaperbag*nycideas*nycmoms*nyctoddleractivities ▶0:15・
Toddler Sleep must haves! @KeaBabies *toddlermom *toddlersleep *sleeptraining *toddlersleepschedule *napschedule *exhaustedmommy *njmoms *nycmoms *uaemoms *bergencountymoms *essexcountymoms *tiredmom *newmomhacks ▶0:15・
Lil combo feeding asmr *CapCut *combofeeding *sahmlife *nycmoms *kendamil *blackbreastfedbabies *exclusivepumping ▶0:04・
Estella - No doubt that our babies are the cute ones in... ▶0:08・
Follow me for the best baby sleep tips! 🤍 *babysleep *toddlersleep *njsleepconsultant *nycsleepconsultant *sleeptraining *waketimes *newbornsleep *sleepthroughthenight *portlandmoms *uaemoms *bergencountymoms *essexcountymoms *sleepconsultant *njmoms *nycmoms *triedmom *napschedule *babysleepschedule *firstimemom *newmama ▶0:18・
Estella - Here's to raising strong and empowered girls! 💗... ▶0:06・
Estella - Empowered women raise and empower young women!... ▶2:04・
New museum exhibit celebrates New York City's diverse culinary world ▶0:04・
Estella - Something new, especially for you! ✨ . . . . .... ▶0:05・
Cristina | Bergen County, NJ Maternity & Newborn Photographer on Instagram: "We’re booking a limited amount of maternity and newborn portrait sessions into June 2025. If you’re looking for a maternity or newborn photo session and your due date is between March and June, NOW is the time to reach out to connect with us. Maternity sessions are scheduled when mama-to-be is ideally between 29-34 weeks pregnant. We use your due date as a placeholder on our booking calendar to reserve your newborn port ▶0:08・
The ultimate compliment. 🥰 . . . *nycmom *nycmoms *nycmomlife *fitmomlife *fitmomlifestyle *fitmumlife *fitmommylife *fitmommalifestyle *fitmomma *momswithmuscles *momswithmuscle *fitnotic *diastasisrecti *diastasisrectirepair *diastasisrectiexercises *abdominalseparation *workoutanywhere *fitmomsofinstagram *momswholift *momswholiftandrun *runningmomma *runningmommy *noexcusemom *noexcusemoms *fitmomstrongmom *strongmoms *strongmommy *strongmomma *workingmomlife *workingmoms | Fitnotic ▶0:07・
*sleeptraining *sleepconsultant *newmom *newbornsleep *babysleephelp *sleepexpert *njmoms *nycmoms *sleepschedule *firsttimemom *toddlersleephelp ▶1:55・
*newmom *sleepschedules *newbornsleep *babysleep *toddlersleep *sleeptraining *sttn *njmoms *nycmoms *austinmoms *sleepconsultant *babysleepcoach ▶0:06・
New mums in New York are now receiving $1,000 a month ▶0:12・
We are entering this workweek with love and gratitude!! *astoriaqueens *astoria *jacksonheightsqueens *jacksonheights *longislandcity *longislandcityqueens *nycparents *nycmoms *nycmom *nycmommy *kidsofnyc *nyckids *nyckid *nyctoddlers *nycdad *nycdads *helpingothers *nyc *nycfamily *nycfamilies *earlystart *nycbabies *gratitude | East Side Pediatric Dental ▶2:55・
Estella - It's the little moments that make us the... ▶0:25・
Tips for visiting the MoMA New York City - What to see and how to get the most out of it ▶1:32・
I NEED TO TASTE IT!!!!!!!! *italianmom *elysedelucci *momsoftiktok *nycmoms *uppereastside ▶0:08・
*greenscreen *Nyeshawn Mother Caught His Lil Dirty Friend Mother Laccin 😭😭😭😭 *hoodmothers *nyc *nycmoms *fy *fyp *fypシ *fypage *fypdongggggggg ▶0:06・
Estella - We truly can't get over how adorable Baby... ▶0:21・
My sweet baby was christened today 🥹❤️*CapCut *christening *blackbabiesoftiktok *nycmoms *blacksahm *sahmlife *firsttimemom *nycmomsoftik *queensnyc *nyctiktok *nyctiktok *grwm *babygrwm ▶0:13・
Experience the Magic of FAO Schwarz in NYC during Christmas Time! ▶4:16・
Common tips from your mother-in-law that will not help your baby sleep better! 🤍 *newmom *momlife *tiredmommy *newbornsleep *newbornsleeptips *babysleep *babysleephelp *babysleeptips *toddlersleep *toddlersleeptips *toddlersleephelp *sleepconsultant *sleepexpert *momlife *njmoms *nycmoms *wnymoms *bergencountymoms *essexcountymoms *torontomoms *austinmoms *chicagomoms *SleepSchedule | Your Zen Baby Sleep ▶1:00・
Little Barn Dance and Musial Theatre School opening on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. check our schedule. *uesmoms *musicaltheatrekid *danceschoolNYC *nycmoms ▶1:01・
Estella - Dealing with Post Partum Anxiety as moms is very... ▶0:04・
Postnatal Care Retreat Experience at Boramcare in NYC ▶1:53・
Estella - We love our Girl Power Baby Onesies! How would... ▶0:09・
if you see a girl in a white dress running through midtown manhattan it’s me 😅🏃🏼♀️👟 *nycmom *nycmoms *nycbabyshower *babyshower *nycbrunch *mamatobe ▶0:09・
Life would suck and be so much harder without you 🫶🏼 *nyc *citymom *uppababy *nycmoms *strollerhack *stroller *nycliving *cityfamily *momsoftiktok ▶0:11・
*greenscreen *momshamersincoming *sleeptraining *judgementfreeparenting *newmama *sleepschedule *newbornsleep *njmoms *nycmoms *uaemoms *bergencounty ▶0:25・
Alyce Chan | Mom Comedy on Instagram: "That’s enough silliness moms. Let’s get back into it and put your back into it. Like and share and follow @momcomnyc Hope everyone had a productive Mother’s Day which means that you got to do what you wanted and got lots of sleep. 😛 *backtothegrind *mothersday *postmothersday *afterSunday *breakover *funnymoms *igmoms *momcontent *parentcomedy *nycmoms *bostonmoms" ▶0:06・
I am impressed with her timing. I added the @Meghan Trainor song in the background and they are both exactly 28 seconds. *momsoftiktok *girlmoms *momsoftweens *momsover40 *nycmoms *wholesometiktok ▶0:15・
Haters gonna say they wear that diaper back pack till their kids go to college. *boybye*momtok*hotmomenergy*giving*momsoftiktok*momsoftiktokclub*nycmoms*diaperbag*minidiaperbag*momlife*momproducts*citymom*nycmom*newyorkmom*urbanmom*fyp*scrunchymama*slingbag ▶0:03・
Effective Tips for Establishing a Newborn Day and Night Sleep Schedule ▶0:13・
Estella - A blanket is a baby's bedtime bestie! 😋💘 . . . .... ▶0:35・
Estella - Welcome to NEW YORK! It's been waiting for you.... ▶0:12・
*greenscreenvideo Every woman deserves this kind of prenatal and maternity care. 🥲 book your appt at Oula through my l!nk 🫶 *oulapartner *oulahealth *pregnancyjourney *pregnancytiktok *prenatalcare *maternitycare *nycmoms *nycmidwife ▶0:05・
Our little besties. 🤍 ▶0:10・
*CapCut literally *investors *tiktok*fypシ *nycmoms *momtok *diaperbag *minidiaperbag ▶0:11・
Estella - Let your baby's imagination run wild with... ▶0:08・
Wrapping it up! Let's pack a gift set together 🎁 . . . . . *estellanyc *estellababy *nycbaby *nycmoms *momlife *motherhoodtruths *parenthood *babiesofinstagram *momsofinstagram *adorablebaby *newyorkcity *motherhoodunplugged *positiveparenting *handmadewithlove *organicbaby *organicbabygifts | Estella ▶0:13・
Doesn't she look great? 😍 📸 Thank you so much @mama.two.royals for this video! . . . . . *estellanyc *estellababy *nycbaby *nycmoms *momlife *motherhoodtruths *parenthood *babiesofinstagram *momsofinstagram *adorablebaby *newyorkcity *motherhoodunplugged *positiveparenting *handmadewithlove *organicbaby *organicbabygifts | Estella ▶0:03・
I set her up for this one. She did awesome by the way. *momsoftiktok *momsover40 *momsofgirls *nycmoms *wholesometiktok *nyc ▶0:08・
Estella - Which NYC Onesie should you try? Pause to play!... ▶1:15・
Ashley Hutchings on Instagram: "Round two of my 💉PRP treatment at @meetgreatmany! In just 30 minutes, I am in and out of the comfortable NYC office, having had my blood drawn, spun out into platelet-rich plasma, and injected back into my body! The liquid gold is injected into areas of my scalp where I desire fuller, thicker hair! It’s wild and it works! Want to try it? Use code MOMUPTOWN for $100 off your first series! . . *hairgrowth *prp *postpartumhairloss *aging *hairthinning *prptherapy *p ▶0:26・
Our little mama's girl is so adorable! Don't you think? 👀 📸 Thank you @kathrynpalmer for this video! ✨ . . . . . *estellanyc *estellababy *nycbaby *nycmoms *momlife *motherhoodtruths *parenthood *babiesofinstagram *momsofinstagram *adorablebaby *newyorkcity *motherhoodunplugged *positiveparenting *handmadewithlove *organicbaby *organicbabygifts | Estella ▶0:12・
do your kids like peppa? 🐷*nycmom *nycmoms *nyclife *nycevents *contentcreatornyc *peppapig *peppa *kristiipartyof6 ▶2:28・
Sunshine LC Of 3rd Avenue on Instagram: "Looking for an engaging way to keep your infant entertained during tummy time? Try this easy water sensory bag! 🌊✨ It’s a great way to encourage sensory exploration and strengthen those little muscles! Here’s how to make one: *Grab a ziplock bag (gallon size works best) *Fill it with water and add fun items like glitter, small toys, or beads to enhance the experience * Seal the edges with strong tape to prevent leaks. 🔒 *Place it on a flat surface and l ▶0:28・
*newbornsleep *newmom *sleeproutine *eatplaysleep *sleepconsultsnt *newbornroutine *babysleephelp *njmoms *nycmoms *bergencountymoms *babysleeptips ▶0:07・
day in the life spend 💰💇🏼♀️💨🛍️🩰 *ditl *dayinmylife *livinginnyc *nycmom *nycmoms *momof4 *citymom *momlife *nycvlog *lifeinnyc *nycfamily *nyccontentcreator *kristiipartyof6 ▶0:06・
I guess they are trying to ease me into the summer—but two days off in the same week? It’s upsetting me and my homegirls. 😢*brooklynmom *nycmoms *nycmom *nyclife *brooklyn *momtok *momtiktok *mom *nycschools ▶0:10・
Build some buffer time. *nobodytoldme *comedy *momlife *momcreators *nycmoms ▶0:26・
Estella - They're definitely the cutest couple of besties!... ▶0:15・
Do you want to know a secret? The cutest travel outfits & toys for baby are right here at Estella! 🌟 . . . . *estellanyc *estellababy *nycbaby *babynyc *nycmoms *momlife *motherhoodtruths *parenthood *babiesofinstagram *momsofinstagram *adorablebaby *newyorkcity *motherhoodunplugged *positiveparenting *handmadewithlove | Estella ▶2:45・
@hellokitty is celebrating their 50th anniversary at Nordstrom’s Flagship Store in NYC by having a 2 month pop-up that opened this weekend 🎀 Meet & greet 6/27-6/30/24 @fluffy NYC will be there 6/29-6/30/24 from 2pm-6pm *hellokittypopup *hellokittypopupnyc *hellokitty *nycpopup *thingstodoinnyc *nycinfluencer *nycmoms *freethingsforkids ▶0:06・
*toddlerbedtime *toddlersleephelp *sleepconsultant *sleepexpert *sleeptraining *newmom *sleepschedule *njmoms *nycmoms *babysleepexpert *babysleeptips ▶0:02・
Helping homeless mothers in New York City ▶0:09・
How do you do it - without a leash!? *momtok *toddlertok *citykids *nycmoms ▶0:09・
Estella - Happy 2 months to the adorable @blakethomas____!... ▶0:11・
Estella - Every day, we're extremely grateful for our... ▶0:06・
2 years going strong with my @Hulken *nycmoms *hulkenbag *nyc ▶0:20・
Some of our best-selling gift sets! Which one do you prefer - the Whale Gift Set or the NYC Gift Set? 🤩 . . . . . *estellanyc *estellababy *nycbaby *nycmoms *momlife *motherhoodtruths *parenthood *babiesofinstagram *momsofinstagram *adorablebaby *newyorkcity *motherhoodunplugged *positiveparenting *handmadewithlove *organicbaby *organicbabygifts *babyreels | Estella ▶0:24・
*newmom *sleepschedules *sleepconsultant *babysleephelp *newbornsleep *njmoms *nycmoms *toddlersleeptips *sleepexpert *tiredmama *newmama *babysleep ▶・
Our FREE Trial Class is only a week away! If you have a 3-5 year old in NYC, come try a free ballet class before the next term begins. Open to new students, we invite you to join us Thursday, January 11 from 3:45-4:30. Email [email protected] to register! Or register online at: https://theballetclub.com/childrens-creative-dance-club-division/ *nycdancer *nyckidsballet *nyckids *nycballet *uesballet *uesclasses *ueschildren *uesmoms *nycmoms *uesdads *nycdads *ballet *nyckidsclasses *prescho ▶・
NYC creating Mayor's Office for Child Care & Early Childhood Education ▶ >>次へNext
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